I have gained about 1 and a half pounds. SOOO not to bad for the time being. I have really been trying to go for walks at night or use my exercise ball or just dance around with Lincoln alot. He keeps me mad busy anyways!He loves having his mommy home, but I think he is getting quite spoiled by it, I know once school starts next month he will do well in the schools daycare (if we decide that is what we are doing for sure) Oh and by the way.... I got into nursing school!! SO I have been pretty busy trying to get everything ready for orientation in two weeks. I have a CPR class next week. I need to get all my records of shots and everything from my old high school. I get fingerprinted at the UAPD tmrw. I also am trying to figure out what to do for books, trying to save up as much as possible from my babysitting.
Here a crazy thing to see how much my tummy is just growing growing growing......
Here is me at 10 weeks......
Next blog update.... I am writing all about my plan to birth at home (yes you read that right)... whether you want to hear it or not :)