Saturday, December 17, 2011

ASHER and being ONE!

Let's get to know the little dude Asher Orion who just turned ONE year old!

First, let me start by saying that WOAH, turning one flipped some crazy insane switch in this boy's head. He is no longer a baby, he is this big boy that walks all around and is constantly trying to communicate and understand new things, it is amazing! Here is an update on all the things this baby/not so baby boy is doing now:

  • He is slowly becoming a daddy's boy and I love it. Asher waits for Zack to come home and claps his hands and runs to him with his arms open wide. 
  • He wants to run with the big kids now. At the playground or any kind of activity place where big kids are, Asher just waddles right up to them and tries to get in on the action. 
  • Asher has the greatest/silliest walk that looks like he is waddling with a large diaper between his legs, because, well, he usually is. 
  • Gross activities Asher tries to get into ALL the time: putting his hands in the toilet bowl water, grabbing the toilet bowl brush, getting in the trash can, eating dirt and disgustingness off the ground whenever and whereever. Its pretty hilarious and horrible all at the same time. 
  • Asher is in CLOTH diapers now, and ABSOLUTELY loving it. He will come to me now when I am getting it all set out on the ground for him, its nice and cushy on his butt!
  • Love that he gives real hugs, holds on to you and snuggles so tight to you. Its precious. 
  • Asks what everything is by pointing at it and makes this silly bah noise so we can tell him what it is. 
  • Speaks like a Mars Attacks alien. 
  • Loves balls, so much. Loves saying "ball" and throwing it back and forth with people. 
  • Also says lots of words that starts with B, like book tho it sounds like "bhhhk"
  • Nursing so well still, and has no plans on stopping anytime soon. He is growing and communicating to me when he is hungry he just comes up to me to snuggle and sometimes tries to get at his mama milk by himself. 
  • I dont know how much he weighs, as we have not found a pediatrician here yet that follows my core values, but I am guessing he is in the mid twenties or so. Wearing 12 month tops or bigger, and 12 month pants or smaller he has short stocky legs.  
Anyways, here is were the tough age begins. Being into so much and trying to be a big boy, but not able to really talk yet and/or understand all thats going on. I love my sweet sweet mommy milk baby boy, and will cherish these moments. 


  1. Oh, your boy sounds so sweet - giving big boy hugs! My little Nugget is only six weeks old and already I feel like he is growing too fast. I can't imagine how fast it will feel when he turns one! Glad to have stumbled across your blog! I am a big supporter of natural births. Had one planned myself, but my Nugget had different plans. LOL!

  2. We're trying cloth again. They give my daughter a red bum. I'll try an extra rinse, I guess...
